Payments & Refunds Page

Payment & Refund Policy

The following Payment & Refund Policy (“Policy”) applies to all users and describes how your payments are made to Elucubrate trading as Clkout.Store. (“Clkout.Store”, “we”, “us” or “our”) in connection with our website,, (“Clkout.Store Site”) and other products and services provided on the Clkout.Store Site (all of the foregoing, collectively, “Services”).

By using the Services, you are accepting the terms, conditions and policies described in this Policy, as may be amended from time to time. Each time you use the Services and/or pay for a Service on the Clkout.Store Site, the Clkout.Store Site, or our Applications, you agree and expressly consent to the following.

1. Payments

If you are under the age of 18 you need your parent or guardian to be involved in order to make any payments to Clkout.Store.

All payments made by you to Clkout.Store are subject to Clkout.Store Terms of Service.

Credit. You can purchase credits (“Credit”) using any payment method made available to you by Clkout.Store. You agree that you are not relying on the future availability of any feature or product offered through the Service in agreeing to or making payments hereunder.

Credit Balance. Credit Balance is the amount of money that remains at your Clkout.Store account after you used the Services at Clkout.Store. When you intend to use the Service, you must ensure that the Credit Balance of prepayment monies received from you by Clkout.Store is in credit. The amount of such prepayments is at your sole discretion. The Service will be made available to you after the payment is received by a bank account of Clkout.Store. 

Foreign Currency. If you pay with foreign currency, you agree that the amount you are eventually credited may vary as a result of foreign currency conversion policies of our third-party payment processors, which you can find at the relevant website or location where you make the actual purchase. 

Recurring Charges. If you purchase a service from Clkout.Store on a subscription basis, you agree that this type of Service requires a recurring payment and all payments shall be made by the payment method and payment intervals selected by you at the time you initiate the purchase, until you terminate the subscription.

Third Party Payment Processors. We use the services of third parties to process your payments and we require that these third parties take the appropriate organizational and technical measures to protect your personal data and traffic data and to comply with relevant laws. Please review the terms of use and privacy policies of those third parties before providing your banking or payment information.

Payment Through Third Party Services. When you make a purchase within the Application, or the Clkout.Store Site, or the Clkout.Store Site through third parties, your purchase is also subject to the terms of such third party (including with respect to payment terms, refunds, etc.), and you should read such applicable terms before you decide to complete the purchase. You agree to abide by any relevant terms of service or other legal agreement that governs your use of a given payment processing service and/or method. You also acknowledge that a bank or credit card company may refuse or cancel a transaction and freeze funds up to 14 business days as per the bank/credit card company policy. You also agree to the sharing of information between us and such third-party payment processor for billing related activity.

Credit Card Payments. We accept credit cards only with 3D Secure for payments within the Clkout.Store Site to make your transactions more secure. Payments within the Clkout.Store Site from credit cards without 3D Secure will be rejected, and transactions will not be completed.

Fees and Taxes. You are solely responsible for all carrier data plans, Internet fees, and other fees and taxes associated with your access to and use of Clkout.Store Services.

Using the Service on mobile applications will use some of the data allowance available on the data package to which you have subscribed with your mobile network operator as the case may be. Out-of-country usage may in any event lead to significantly higher costs than regular usage, and you are solely responsible for keeping yourself informed and paying for possible roaming and other applicable charges levied by your mobile network operator.

Clkout.Store may refuse or cancel a transaction at any time in our sole discretion, if we believe it violates Clkout.Store Terms of Service or this Payment & Refund Policy or to prevent financial loss. In cases of fraud or illegal acts, Clkout.Store may cancel or block your Credit Balance.

2. Refunds

Except provided by law, not all purchases are refundable. If you believe that Clkout.Store has charged you in error, you must contact Clkout.Store within 30 days of such charge. No refunds will be given for any transaction which is more than 30 days old. When you purchase any digital content or services from Clkout.Store, any right you may have to withdraw from or cancel the purchase will be terminated once the digital content is delivered to you upon your request, and you will not be entitled to claim any refund, except where you believe Clkout.Store has charged you in error. If you use third party services to purchase any of our Services, such purchase is subject to the refund terms of the applicable third party (including with respect to payment terms, refunds, etc.).

Clkout.Store reserves the right to refuse a refund request if it reasonably believes or suspects (i) that you are trying to unfairly exploit this refund policy, for example, by making repetitive refund requests in respect of the same product or feature, or by trying to receive a refund for a non-refundable credit (such as a reward); (ii) that you are in breach of the terms of  Policy, Clkout.Store Terms of Service, the Clkout.Store General Terms & Conditions or the Privacy Policy; (iii) that you are using any of our products fraudulently or that your user account is being used by a third party fraudulently; or (iv) that you purchased your credit through a third party service and the terms of such third party do not allow such refund. This refund policy does not affect any of your statutory rights to pursue a claim.

Refund Policy Notes

Please take careful note of the following; 

  1. Refund can only be paid into the same account name and account holder, it was remitted from, with exception to a Credit Card payment. 
  2. Refunds cannot be refunded to Credit Card, via EFT transfer. 
    Hence we would appreciate your assistance in providing details of your Cheque (Current) or Savings account, in the same name as the Credit Card account name utilised for payment. 
  3. Any form of payments must reflect in the Clkout.Store’s banking account for ten (10) working days from date of payment, prior to refund. 
  4. All refund requests are processed and payable on a FRIDAY only. 
    This is conditional to ALL the above information and documentation being received no later than MONDAY, prior to the FRIDAY process day. 
    If the above information and documentation is ONLY received after MONDAY, then refund will ONLY be effected by the following FRIDAY. 
  5. Refunds can be released between a minimum of 7 working days to a maximum of 14 working days, from the date of the refund request, dependent on the above information and documentation provided and availability of signatories to approve and effect the refund. 

For all refunds due to an error in your payment amount please email quoting your company address, full name, contact number, and reason for requesting a refund as well as the amount requested in RANDS. The accounts department will deal with your query at the earliest possible opportunity and may ask for some additional details to process your refund.

Billing Disputes. Any billing disputes raised by you to Clkout.Store will be settled in accordance with the Clkout.Store Terms of Service. A pending billing dispute does not exempt you from timely paying any undisputed amounts that you owe.

3. Sharing Information

We may, if required, share the details of your payment and your Personally Identifiable Data, as defined in our Privacy Policy with third parties, in order to prevent a financial loss to you or us, or to prevent a violation of law.

4. Legal

The general legal terms appearing in the Clkout.Store Terms of Service, Clkout.Store General Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of Clkout.Store also apply to this Policy.

In the event you read this Policy in any language other than English, you agree that in the event of any discrepancies, the English version shall prevail.

5. General

If you have any questions regarding our Payment & Refund Policy, please contact Clkout.Store via our contact page on our website or by sending an email to

6. Cancellations 
Order cancellations can be made prior to the shipment of the order. Cancellations can be only be made for purchases on account, purchases via card or EFT will need to be refunded by submitting the below refund request.